Botox Injections
What is Botox?
Botulinum toxin is a purified protein produced by Clostridium Botulinum and when injected into the muscle, temporarily blocks the transmission of signals from the nerves which normally tell the muscles to contract.
It relaxes underlying muscles and as a result causes the skin to soften existing fixed lines and wrinkles and also helps prevent static lines from becoming established.
Botox can also be used off license to change the balance between facial muscle groups to create a lift, also known as the non-surgical or chemical brow lift.

The Procedure
The facial muscle positions, movement and effects are first examined and marked out for accuracy of Botox placement.
The Botox is then administered into the marked areas using a very short super fine needle. Local anaesthetic is not necessary as discomfort is minimal with the technique used but if you are concerned about discomfort ice or topical numbing cream could be used.
There is minimal downtime and you can continue with your day or go back to work as normal.
Where can Botox be used?
- To soften frown and forehead lines.
- To soften crow’s feet lines surrounding the eyes.
- To create an eyebrow lift.
- To improve a gummy smile.
- To improve a square jaw and teeth clenching.
- To improve down-turned corner of the mouth / DAO.
- Excessive underarm sweating / Hyperhidrosis – Botulinum toxins can help deactivate the nerves which activate sweat glands and therefore result in up to 90% less sweating in affected areas. The results can last up to 12 months.

What are the risks and side effects?
- Risk of bleeding is possible, through unusual.
- Following this procedure, it is not uncommon to bruise at the injection site.
- Infection is unusual. Should an infection occur, additional treatment including antibiotics may be necessary.
- Allergic reactions can occur in rare cases.
- Dropping of the eyelids (Ptosis) is rare but transient complication occurring in 1-2% of patients. The incident can be minimized by positioning post injections.
Aftercare Instructions
- Do not massage the treated areas on the day of treatment.
- Avoid lying down for 4 hours immediately after treatment.
- Avoid applying heat to the treated area on the day of treatment.
- Avoid activities that cause facial flushing on the day of treatment, including consuming alcohol, hot tub or sauna use, exercising, and tanning.
- Gently apply a cool compress or wrapped ice pack to the treated areas for 15 minutes every few hours as needed to reduce discomfort, swelling, or bruising up to a few days after treatment. If bruising occurs, it typically resolves within 7–10 days.
- After treatment, oral consumption and/or topical application of Arnica may help to reduce bruising and swelling.

The Results
It normally takes 3 to 5 days to start seeing the results, although it can be as soon as 24 to 48 hours after.
After 2 weeks, full results can normally be observed.
The results last at least 3 months and with continual use longer term benefits of wrinkle softening can be seen.
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